Ceruloplasmin Activity Colorimetric Kit Sufficient

for 100 Colorimetric tests

Stock code :MAK177
Brand :Sigma-Aldrich

Ceruloplasmin Activity Colorimetric Kit Sufficient

General description

Ceruloplasmin is a multifunctional copper-containing ferroxidase present in serum. Ceruolpasmin is the major transporter of copper in the blood, carrying more than 95% of the copper found in plasma. It uses copper to couple the oxidation of substrate with the reduction of oxygen to water. Ceruloplasmin-mediated oxidation of ferrous (Fe2+) iron to ferric (Fe3+) iron contributes to the regulation of iron efflux in cells that have transportable iron stores. Inherited loss-of-function mutations in ceruloplasmin has been linked to aceruloplasminemia. Ceruloplasmin is known to form complexes with cationic proteins during inflammation and is also involved in preventing iron-induced oxidative damage. Increased ceruloplasmin levels have been observed in celiac and Crohn′s patients. Elevated serum ceruloplasmin has also been linked to cancer, pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer′s disease, whereas its low levels have been linked to Wilson′s and Menkes′ diseases. Hence, measurement of ceruloplasmin activity in biological samples can provide useful insights into several metabolic and pathological conditions.


Ceruloplasmin Activity Colorimetric Kit has been used to measure serum ceruloplasmin quantity and activity.[1]


Suitable for the detection of ceruloplasmin activity in serum.


The Ceruloplasmin Activity Colorimetric Kit provides a fast and easy-to-use procedure for measuring ceruloplasmin activity in serum. Ceruloplasmin activity is determined using substrate oxidation, which results in a colorimetric (560 nm) product proportional to the enzymatic activity present. One unit of ceruloplasmin is the amount of enzyme that will oxidize 1 μmole of substrate per minute at 25 °C.

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