Indican Assay Kit sufficient for 100 colorimetric tests

Stock code :MAK128
Brand :Sigma-Aldrich

Indican Assay Kit sufficient for 100 colorimetric tests

General description

Indican (indoxyl sulfate) is a putrefaction product resulting from bacterial deconjugation of tryptophan in the small intestine. Indican is water soluble and excreted through urine. Increases in urine indican can indicate protein maldigestion or malabsortion, or the overgrowth of gut anaerobic bacteria. Indican levels in urine can also increase in response to a high protein diet.


Indican Assay Kit has been used to measure indican concentration in urine samples.[1]

Features and Benefits

Compatible with high-throughput handling systems. Can be adapted for use with cuvettes.


The Indican Assay kit provides a simple and direct procedure for measuring indican levels in urine.


This assay is based on an improved Curzon and Walsh method in which the reaction of indican with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde results in a colorimetric product measured at 480 nm. This assay has a linear detection range between 0.2-20 mg/dL in the 96 well plate assay.

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