HEPES solution BioPerformance Certified, 1 M, suitable for cell culture, 0.2 μm filtered

Stock code :H3537
Brand :Sigma-Aldrich

HEPES solution BioPerformance Certified, 1 M, suitable for cell culture, 0.2 μm filtered

General description

HEPES has been described as one of the best all-purpose buffers available for biological research.[4] At biological pH, the molecule is zwitterionic, and is effective as a buffer at pH 6.8 to 8.2. HEPES has been used in a wide variety of applications, including tissue culture. It is commonly used to buffer cell culture media in air. HEPES finds its usage in in vitro experiments on Mg.[1]


RNAse HEPES has been used:
• To supplement Dulbecco’smodified Eagle’smedium for maintenance of cell line and RPMI medium to wash rat islets[2]
• To recover purified ribonucleotide[3]
• As a component of HEPES/KOH buffer and adenylation buffer for small RNA isolation and sequencing[5]
• As a component in buffers used for nuclear extract preparation and also to supplement RPMI-1640 medium for maintenance of islets[6]

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