Duolink™ PLA Multicolor Probemaker Kit - Far Red Proximity Ligation Assay Multiplexing

: protein-protein interaction, post-translational modification and low abundant protein events

Stock code :DUO96040
Brand :Sigma-Aldrich

Duolink™ PLA Multicolor Probemaker Kit - Far Red Proximity Ligation Assay Multiplexing


Far Red fluorescence detection reagents are often used with Cy®5 filter.

Application Note
Primary antibodies are needed. Test your primary antibodies (IgG-class, mono- or polyclonal) in a standard immunofluorescence (IF), immunohistochemistry (IHC), or immunocytochemistry (ICC) assay to determine the optimal fixation, blocking, and titer conditions. Duolink in situ reagents are suitable for use on fixed cells, cytospin cells, cells grown on slide, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE), or tissue (fresh or frozen). No minimum number of cells is required.

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Features and Benefits

Multicolor Duolink proximity ligation assay (PLA®) is an application of the Duolink technologythat allows for endogenous, simultaneous detection of up to 4 protein interactions, post-translational modifications, or protein expression levels (including low abundant protein) in fixed cells and tissue samples. Follow the Duolink PLA Probemaker Guide for Multicolor Detection and the Duolink PLA Multicolor Detection protocol to use this product.

• Detect multiple PPI, PTM and low abundant protein events in a single sample.
• Visualize protein complex formation and dissociation
• Monitor protein signaling pathways
• No overexpression or genetic manipulation required
• High specificity (fewer false positives)
• Detection of low abundant proteins due to rolling circle amplification
• Relative quantification possible
• No special equipment needed
• Faster and more simple than FRET
• Increased accuracy compared to co-IP
• Publication-ready results

Duolink PLA Multicolor Probemaker Kit - Far Red contains all the necessary reagents to perform the conjugations of Far Red Oligo H and Far Red Oligo I directly to primary antibodies. The resulting PLA probes (Far Red H and Far Red I) must be used together and cannot be paired with any other Duolink PLA probe.

This product is comprised of the following:
• Far Red Oligo H DUO86040H
• Far Red Oligo I DUO86040I
• Conjugation Buffer DUO82033
• Stop Reagent DUO82034
• Storage Solution DUO82035

See datasheet for more information.

To perform a Multicolor Duolink PLA experiment primary antibodies (PLA, IHC, ICC or IF validated) that recognize protein targets of interest are required. Duolink PLA Multicolor Probemaker-generated probes (Red A/Red B, Green C/Green D, Orange F/Orange G, and/or FarRed H/FarRed I) are used in combination to perform the Multiplex experiment.The reagents in the Duolink PLA Multicolor Reagent Pack are required to perform the amplification and detection of the resulting PLA probes. Required additional reagents include Duolink Wash Buffers and Mounting Medium.

Legal Information

Cy is a registered trademark of Cytiva

Duolink is a trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

PLA is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC

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